Un blog desde la diáspora y para la diáspora

viernes, 13 de febrero de 2015

Euskal Herria Comestible

Les compartimos esta nota (en euskera) con respecto a un reportaje que han publicado en YouTube acerca de las delicias culinarias de Euskal Herria:

«Basque Country, come and taste it!»

Euskal Herriaz kanpoan zer irudi duten askotan galdetzen diogu gure buruari, gureaz erretrato propioa VICE proiektu arrakastatsuaren adar gastronomikoak dakar oraingoan, ‘MUNCHIES guide to the Basque Country’. (Datu parea bien eragina ikusteko: 800.000 jarraitzaile ditu Twitterren VICEk eta 120.000tik gora Munchies-en Facebook orriak).

Euskal Herria zen den galdetuz hasten da lehen atala, Sanferminetako ikurrina izugarriaren irudiekin, presoen eskubideen aldeko manfiestazioenekin, independentziaren aldeko aldarriekin... Euskal herritarron pasioaz mintzo da aurkezlea, politikarekiko eta euskararekiko dugunaz, eta baita aldarte ona gozatzearekiko ere. Sukalderik tradizionalena modernoenarekin eskuz esku.

El video de "Munchies, guide to the Basque Country" en YouTube:


Tradition Meets Molecular Gastronomy: MUNCHIES Guide to the Basque Country (Episode 1)

In the Munchies Guide to the Basque Country, host Irene Peralta explores the culinary offerings of one of the world’s greatest food destinations. With over 40 Michelin-starred restaurants serving a population the size of Bucharest, the passion for gastronomy here is tangible. They’re as proud here of their home cooks as they are of their celebrity chefs, and MUNCHIES is here to discover Basque cuisine in all its strange and delicious forms—from crystallized fish scales to hake chin jelly, it promises to be a real treat.

In Episode 1, “Old and New,” Irene starts with a traditional feast at one of San Sebastian’s most historic gastronomic societies: Txokos, a Basque institution for hundreds of years. Then she zooms into the 21st century to meet gastronaut Eneko Atxa, three-star-Michelin chef-patron of ultra-sustainable restaurant Azurmendi, visiting his Willy-Wonka-style lab, kitchen, and greenhouse.


Red Pepper Pintxo - http://bit.ly/1DFQB4Z

Enlace a la página de Munchies.


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